
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Forever Frozen Faces XI

Sunday morning madness...
Mom sleeps in and
Dad takes over

I see you kids are all dressed for church!

Suzie-go put some patent leather shoes on..

And, Steven....You already KNOW

you can't wear sneakers!


  1. are too cute!

  2. I've yet to find one of your blog-posts that doesn't make me laugh!
    Thank you!
    Oh! Go check out my blog, and tell me if you know that already!!

  3. LOLOL! That looks like my brother and I!!! Oh how well I remember those days of plastic masks and dorkily shiney Halloween costumes!What do you think I was back then? Guess......! A princess, what else? lol!

    Enjoy your time off this week, sweetie pie!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  4. Oh I like ya already!! So FUNNY! I love a great sense of humor. Thanks so much for your opinions and feelings on that post of has been a wonderful journey for me thus far. I just hate to see these women just up and go. Well it turns out one blog just vanished! That is scary too. See ya again real soon. Thanks again.DEbbie


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