
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Most Beautiful Bella

Look. How. Sweet. This.Face.Is.This is Bella-
The beautiful Bella.
I'll bet you think I know her, don't you?
I'll bet you think that she is related to me..
Dead wrong!
She is going to be very surprised to see this here..
Because I didn't ask..
But....I forgot to say a proper
Thank You a few days ago.
And.... because I am a bit of a "thief"..
I "stole" her picture
because I want you all to know how
Very Dear She Really Is.
She mentioned she had a few seeds left
if anyone wanted to sign up.
I wanted-I signed up.
She delivered.
Now when most of my friends give me seeds
they just kind of thrust them into
a plastic bag and say ...
Here ya go..
Well...except for my friend, Patti,
from a gardening group..
Her presentations are pretty great.
But Bella?
Look what you sent...
Notice that I have cleverly
disguised both of our names.
Am I smart, or what?
Never mind...Well...I love lavender...
I smiled when I opened the envelope.
I smiled again when I opened the
tissue paper and saw

By the time I turned the little
packet over I was grinning right out loud.
The back of this sweet little seed packet
Flowers Feed The Soul
Hugs, Bella

Well, my dear,
Flowers MAY feed the soul
but you have fed
my heart!
YOU are one of the true treasures
in BlogLand.
ps...Just wondering...would you mind coming
here and, you know, like doing
ALL my gardening?
Please...please...I'll feed you and ply
you with music and food and
my little SweetCheeks and Company
can entertain you...
Huh? What do you mean you have
life to tend to?
Thanks anyway!
xxoo Diana


  1. That was so sweet of her to send that so perfectly wrapped.

  2. Totally awesome! Totally precious!

    Love to you~


  3. Diana, You deserve it for making us smile
    all the time! Hope you grow some fabulous

    Flora Doora

  4. your post today made me "grin out loud"! xoxo

  5. How sweet is that?! Bella was so kind and generous to share the seeds with you, and in such a pretty package! As the title of one of my posts read this week "Bloggers are the Best"!!

  6. Love the package, love the color, love the seeds, love the tissue paper, love the sentiments, love your blog. Now I'm going to go check out Bella's blog.

  7. Hi Diana... You said you had a surprise for me but WOW... Blush Blush!!!
    I am so glad to make you smile... because you make me smile so often!!!
    I hope they grow well for you, and if you decide you love gardening soooo much that your yard becomes weed free... you can pick mine too, I have plenty to spare!!!
    Hugs to you.. Have a Great Day!!

  8. That's awesome! She went the extra mile and everyone appreciates that!!
    When I wrap-up scarf orders, I try to give them that personal touch too. A little time goes a long way.
    What a gorgeous girl! I hope she liked the surprise of being featured in your blog! :)

    Thanks for another good post. I hate when I'm out of town and miss one!


  9. I want all of the details.
    What are you planting???

    White Spray Paint

  10. How lovely! Don't you just love people who take that kind of care even with such little things!

    So thoughtful!


  11. Wow, how gorgeous!! So many beautiful & generous people in blogland! Have discovered your lovely blog via Laura at mysummerhouse, looking forward to following you!
    Christine x

  12. Hi sweetie! I know exactly what you mean about receiving those special little gifts that are not only send with love, but packaged and filled with them as well! :) Bella was so very sweet to take the time to mail the seeds that way. Sure makes me feel like a lazy giver.......What an inspiration she is! (Just like you, dearie!) :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  13. Awe....that packaging is beautiful. I can see why it made you smile. I believe you had, 'A Bella Blessing.' :)


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