
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forever Frozen Faces IV

Wash & Wear!
Ummm... Nana?
Yes Darling?
Your hair looks a lot better than it did yesterday!


  1. Hi Diana, I just loved the post you did for your granddaughters birthday... there is so much love there; i wish my childrens grandparents could express their love in the same way for my little ones. But, everyones different arent they? !! I also meant to write and thankyou for sharing your story with me about your little angel... Its my Sam`s anniversary on Sunday... seven years since he passed. I think I am going to put a link up (on sunday) with some stories and pics about Sam...
    anyway, love the last image!!! you`re a funny gal!!
    hugs from lauraxx

  2. You're hilarious!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love that hairdo, and it could be trimmed with a weed whacker.

  4. Hey! Where'd you get that picture of me?!
    My hair looks a little faded... time for a touch-up.

    As always, love your post!!
    Short and sweet as it is! It took me four hours just to upload my last one onto Blogger! I may have to consider going with shorter ones like you. But... I'm not as funny as you, so it wouldn't have the same 'punch'. Never mind.

    Love ya,

  5. LOL..that was cute, I love your humor! Thanks for your kindness :D

  6. What a great hair-do Ü Love it... now if I could get my hair to do that, lol.

    Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie and leaving the nice comment. Drop by again anytime.

  7. Whoa.....that looks a whole lot better than MY hair looked this morning! I think I even scared the cat....! LOLOL!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  8. I have one of those little plastic command strips hook on the fridge and then I used one of those new plate hanger discs that stick to the tray or plate or whatever you hang. Very easy to do. Also you were right about the dog bed. Bailey want use it and it was too expensive to not use so now it is a pillow in it's second life.

  9. And I forgot to tell you I live with a darn snorer, too. I have some good ear plugs, but sometimes he gets so loud that they don't work.I push him and kick him and fuss at him. Sometimes I have to go to a guest room to get some sleep.

  10. Hi Diana... She wore flowers in her hair... isn't that pretty! I have been looking at your frozen faces posts and cracking up... you are one funny lady... very witty :-)))

  11. Love a lady with flowers in her hair! too cute!


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