
Friday, August 27, 2010

Doing A Bit Of Research

Sorry Folks~ You will have to read this whole
blipping blog to know
what I want to research..
Otherwise you will NEVER understand.
The day started with this
sweet baby-getting up late
and taking his morning bottle.
BabyE is the little boy light of my life. We dressed him and popped him in the car
for a trip to the fabric store.
I'll save that story for another day.
He's loving on his little blue baby.
Don't tell his Dad cuz I don't think
he thinks boys should have dolls-
but MamasBoy had a doll and he
is so loving and wonderful with kids-
Can't hurt-right?
And, besides that~ Mama said it was okay.
She can fight with Dad about that on her own time..
Away from MY house....
Look! How! Cute!We shop and rush home because there is
a Packer game tonight.
You know what that means right?
The whole city bows down in
adoration and swoons over
The Pack!
You know what else it means, don't you?
Yeah...TPot needs a babysitter,
as does Mimi,
so they can go to the game.
Guess who gets nominated for
THAT job?
Yep! Me!
Wish I could complain but I offered
willingly and lovingly...
cuz I love these monsters (er I mean babies)
like there is no tomorrow.
As soon as they get there..
you readers know the routine by now..
RUSH the hidey hole..
Lulu is bent out of shape because
Ria beat her to the punch
and TOLD her what she was getting.
Yeah...she hates that...
And Ria KNOWS she hates that..
It's a sisterly thing.
Look at Ria's face in the background..
I just told her not to tell Lulu everytime.
She said in her whispery, papery little voice..
I DON'T tell her EVERYTIME...
Yeah ! Right-And I look like I'm 25~
Ria proceeds to show me that she
can execute a perfect handstand
from the tripod position.
She is a thing of beauty...
upside down..
with arched back and all.Not to be outdone by big sister
SweetCheeks says that
SHE can do a PURRFICKT headstand too!
After 4 attempts she did it...
see below....That was purrfeckt too, huh Nana?
Absolutely perfect, I tell her.
I know, she responds.
SweetCheeks is slowly coming around to realize that
BabyE is a pretty good audience..
He is also good entertainment.
When his Jack-In-The-Box
pops open and BabyE startles
SweetCheeks laughs so hard she
can hardly breathe.
Hims a funny boy, huh, Nana?
Yes he is, SweetCheeks..
He's almost as funny as you are!
No-Hims NOT! Hims will
NEVAH be as funny
as me!I start preparing dinner..
All my regular readers know that they love
A delicacy that only the true gourmet can appreciate.
See the wonderful little minds I am
expanding with all this exotic food? While I am preparing this feast
BabyE is eating...what else..
Goldfish...Are you getting
this seafood themed dinner party here?The entertainment has shown up on time.
Elmo is giggling and the acrobatic
girl is straddling two stools preparing
to do...
God only knows what~After dinner we wrap with blankets...
And play a bit of peek-a-boo..
In between all this I have cleaned the kitchen
run the vacuum..
taken sheets off the line..
remade a bed...
answered the phone that
And finally..just when I think the worst is over..
I look over and see this...Let me tell you something.
It is never a good thing when
someone puts
in a time out.
SweetCheeks-WHY are you taking
a time out?
Uhhh..I fink I did sumthin naughty.
Well???? What did you do?
I just pourhed a little water
on the carpet by the TeeVFee.
WHY did you pour water on the carpet?
Cuz I was tryan to pourh it on
Lulu and hers moved!
At about this point MyHero opts to
ask me WHY I am so tired tonight.
Here's the research project.
How long do you have to hold a pillow
over someone's head before they
stop breathing..
...just asking.......


  1. Hi there girlfriend!!! Oh i do love when you post pics of your grandchildren, apart from the fact that they are so darn cute, it does give me hope for my kids that one day they too will be parents; the way the world is today, it scares me that i might not live to see the day that they are grown up and married.... Love you lots girlfriend. oh, do you know anything about Laguna Beach California???? I was asked to supply someof my cushions for a store there and was wondering... How are things going with the plans for your store? I looooooove the name Mimi btw... so cute!!
    hugs to you xxx

  2. Hi Diana~~~looks like a fun filled time with your grandkiddos! WE are getting ready to head downstate...Laurie and Rog's place for the weekend...YES!!! I hope her clawfoot tub is ready, and Rog has the wine in a glass when we get there.
    Stop worrying about the hurry here...I'll just keep washing the set I have..over and over again...LOLOL just kidding.
    I hope you enjoy your time with all those little ones running around your house...I LOVE it when mine are here.

  3. Good morning Nana Diana! What a joyful fun filled life! I see magical sparkles of laughter and joy everywhere ;) And what a lovely lovely dark haired fairy in the pink dress sitting on those flight of stairs!....

    Your cup is filled. I so enjoyed reading your comment on my blog about your busy (and funny) life with your grandbabies; particularly what you said about your granddaughter staring at your hair in amazement... how cute! It is always a pleasure seeing you at the house in the roses... may you have a blessed day...


  4. Yes i was tired just reading about your day lol !!
    Nana Diana does need a break! I love how you make the food kid friendly ...that octopus was great!!
    Pamela xo

  5. This is so cute. I love how she put herself in time out. Adorable....!!!

  6. Hi,
    It's according to how much the person under the pillow, how do I know, the new drum set has made me wish to do that very thing.

  7. What adorable grandchildren you have! I agree boys need babies too. Everybody needs to learn to nurture!

  8. Okay Diana, You are becoming one of the most hysterical people I know...I am busting a gut here again, today. In answer to your survey question...I don't know? Eerytime I tried I realized he helps pay the bills and stopped. Have a blessed weekend dear friend, Patty

  9. Heavens, if I put myself into TimeOut when I'd done something naughty I'd be feeling pretty rested about now. Good idea!

  10. That is a cute story! Even though you were worn out, I just know you still had a smile on your face. :)

  11. That was quite a day, I'm sure you enjoyed a much needed rest at the end of it! Those little one's are oh so cute :)


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