
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adventures In Black & White

Yesterday dawned
foggy and HOT!
Not warm...HOT!
Not a breath of breeze coming in off the bay..
A good morning to meet my
daugther and the three girls at
Well...where else...
We got some coffee & a strawberry smoothie
to split between the girls
and sat out on the side patio.
Lulu was soon entranced with her Mom's
cell phone with multiple functioning
games, etc.Ria, on the other hand, is sitting on Mom's lap.
On the way OUT the door of Starbucks
she poked herself in the eye...
Owwweee...The sunglasses and the smoothie
seemed to help but she still doesn't look too happy!Ah..yes..that gave our little Miss SweetCheeks
free rein! (or maybe I do mean reign)..
First she has to eat her little piece
of lemon bread with frosting.
See the knitted brow?
Notice the LOOK?
Yeah...well...sisters 1 & 2 got to the piece first.
They ate the frosting off the top.
That's how the day started for
you-know-who.To remedy the situation she quickly
sucks down her own drink
and starts on the one belonging to
Ria-or someone-doesn't matter to her.
Left on the table?
Too bad for you- It's my own now!
Whut do yoah mean? Isss tooo my own!
See? Isss rwight in my own liddle handsys.Okay! I sayed I sorry! Okay?
I juss gonna go ovah heah and dance wif
Prince Sharming-
I gonna sing about Cinderhella...
Hmmmm...We didn't realize her name was Annie
AND she had a dog Toto.
Love the combination stories.
Little Orphan Annie, Cinderella & Dorothy
all wrapped up into one
rousing song!Ooopps...Almost time to go.
I doan wanna go..
(To this kid there is NO playground better
than the Starbucks patio area)..
Yeah-she is my kinda kid!
Whare iss we gonna go, Nana?
Da mall? I hate da mall!
(Me too-but I gotta make a return)
But fhirst I hafta finish dis schmoofie..okay?
Ummm..dis is rweally good, Nana!
I nevah knew it was so good befoah.
Hey! Whut are we gonna do at the mall?
Huh-whut do you mean there's a money eater there?
Can I frow sum pennies in it?
I frowed mine in bettah than my sistahs, huh?
My own is winning, guhls!
Hey! Whut do yoah mean I doan get
my penny bachk?
*big sigh*
I think I am getting tirard, Nana.
I juss gonna sit heah for a little while!

Sweet dreams, SweetCheeks!

Tomorrow will be another exciting day in your life.


  1. Enjoyed your recap of the day. Sweet Chicks is precious!

  2. Looks like a fun day out! I love when the kids have so much fun that they crash!

  3. I have 3 little granddolls too, Diana. I didn't realize we had that in common. Isn't it fun?! The girls are adorable!! Love the black & white toille dress too!!
    Cuties - all three!!

  4. Hey You!!! I sure missed you while my pooter was on the fritz.
    Looks like a great time with the girls.
    Poor little sweet wore her out!!!

  5. SUGAR CRASH!!!!! lol! You are a very blessed nana to be able to spend so much time with your little ones. They are all sooo adorable! Love the pic of SC twirling in her adorable little dress!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

    PS Oh, and glad to tell ya that nobody gets to share the tub with me when I get in! I'm a tub-hog!! lol!

  6. Oh my gosh! What an adorable post... and what precious girls. Especially that little sweet cheeks.
    I hope you didn't stay at the mall too long!

  7. I hate the mall too Nana. If I could curl up and be as comfy as SweetCheeks looks taking a nap though, I'd be right there beside her.

    Scuse me whilst I ramble through your archives.


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