
Monday, July 5, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Once upon a time.....
MamasBoy & TheSecretAgent lived in a cute little house....
In a cute little neighborhood.
I am not posting any pictures of it because...
I don't want to make TheSecretAgent cry.
One day when Nana was driving along the Bay
She spotted an abandoned looking cottage.
Lo & behold, it had a ForSale sign in front of it.
Never one to pass up an opportunity
Nana called MamasBoy.
Come See! Come See What I Have Found!
He came-He saw-His eyes got all round and shiny.
Then he brought his wife, TheSecretAgent to see it.
I think, to the best of my recollection which might not be
all that great because I am getting old...
I THINK her words were....
Are. You. Guys. Nuts?!?!
What? What does she see that we don't?
Oh....could it be the sagging roof where the
chimney goes through?

OR...could it be the layout? ummm...yeah...
Not good....Hmmm...that can be fixed.
Could it be that the upstairs floors slope about
8" to one side?
hmmmm...that can be fixed too...right?
How about the fact that it doesn't have
real heating or cooling?
How about that a cat has-well, you know.. about that?
Not to worry!
And, to add insult to injury,
Their beautiful little home had 3 buyers the first week
(Yes! In this market)
TheSecretAgent wanted to cry...
but she didn't...
if she did..
I didn't see her.
Nope! She got busy.
MamasBoy and her got everything picked out for their house.
They put in new windows and siding..
They put in new heating & air conditioning.
They were set to go...
City says...Raise your house.
Owner says-We asked-you said we couldn't.
City says-We were just pulling your leg. Raise your house.
Owner says...You're kidding right?
City says...Nope! That inspector is one says.
(you know-kinda like Move That Bus on Extreme Makeover)
MamasBoy is NOT happy.
TheSecretAgent is NOT happy.
The city is finally happy.

My Hero comes over to inspect the situation.

Oh yes...and to offer advice.

Owner says...You go home now.

The final insult to injury?

TheSecretAgent says...

Please save the plants by the front foundation.

MamasBoy obligingly digs up and saves......

I think he was supposed to save this....

But we're not gonna talk about that today.


  1. And Secret Agent still speaks to you? I'm surprised....
    The house is lovely, and I can tell they've done lots and lots of work.

  2. LOL, at the plants! It's a charming cottage. I hope Secret Agent has fallen in love with it now.

  3. Good morning! I've been away for a few here for the weekend. I came over to catch up on your blog. The post you referred me to about the hollyhock dolls is precious. Hope you had a great 4th.

  4. Diana - you are just too funny, girl! I love the way you write. Ever consider authoring a book? lol! Is this your house you're writing about? Sweet! The outside makeover is incredible....

    And thank you so much for encouragement, the memories you share, and your sweet comments you always leave me. Always look forward to them! I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one out here! lol!

    xoxo laurie@heavenswalk

  5. LOL-Laurie-No this is not my house-it belongs to my son & daughter-in-law. Their house sold right away and they moved into an apartment and it has been ONE YEAR getting it to this point. If she didn't love me-she would surely hate me for suggesting this was a good idea!

  6. WOW! Diana. Okay, you have vision and you have an amazing daughter in law. I think I won't be forgetting this post anytime soon.

  7. I do - I do- I do have an amazing daughter-in-law AND an amazing son to match!


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