
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thank You For The Thought~

This little girl
(who is old enough to be my daughter)
does some of the most stunning and beautiful
I have ever seen.
She has a most unique "take" on things
and is truly an artist.
I don't want to embarrass her
but if you have a chance
do drop by her blog
and go into her archives
and look..
and sigh..
and dream.
She is as beautiful inside
as she is on the outside.
Thank you, my sweet girl,
for taking the time
to make a picture
just for me.


  1. What an artful picture. I'm going to look at her blog so I have something beautiful to dream of tonight.

  2. Hi diana, the image looks gorgeous; i will go and check it out. but i really wanted to write to you about your last post; you know I lost my son? He would have been ten last month; he was 3 when he died from heart and lung disease. Your words really struck a chord with me, and even, well, maybe gives me a little insight into how my mum might feel. How long ago did little Anna bella pass? And, no, i just dont know how people carry on when they dont have faith. My husband doesnt. Everynow and then I ask him how he can live without believing he will ever see Sam again... I know I would not have seen the point. I`d like to give you a big hug ; but cant! Just know that your little angel probably thinks you are theee most awesome nana for remembering her, and sharing her life with others.

    thankyou for sharing that, I am off to have a bit of a `bubble` now; its good to do every so often; part of the therapy i guess.

    Happy birthday to little anna bella angel..

    hugs to you diana, love and friendship,
    Laura xxx

  3. Ohhhh you sweet thing! What am I going to do with you? I just don't know what to say... thank you, as inadequate as those words are, I am speechless without them.

  4. LOL-Imagine YOU being speechless-;>) Your pictures would speak for you~


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