
Monday, July 12, 2010

The Monkey Party....

Today, as promised,
I will show you what
BabyE was reaching for....
But first....(quit whining~you can wait a minute)
First you must meet some of
The Birthday Boy's guests.
This is one of the neighbors that
lives 3 houses down.
This little baby is named Eli..
And he is BabyE's best little friend.
This is Papa with 2 little
neighbors that came
to share in BabyE's
Papa already looks a bit worn out..
and the party is just getting started.Here are some assorted relatives
Who shall remain unnamed.
Can you guess which one is MyHero's brother?
See this sweet lady below?
She is BabyE's babysitter when
Mimi & TheIslandScout
have to work.
Guess what?
I know she loves BabyE because she was
holding him and playing with him
even when she wasn't getting paid!
She and her kids
LOVE BabyE!The wonderful man you see below
came all the way from Atlanta, GA.
BabyE's first birthday.
He became a best friend to
when they met in the FL Keys.
He calls himself BrownSugar.
I call him Beautiful
he IS beautiful-
Inside and out!Little Miss Cousin
was too busy getting into the
ice chest to turn for a picture.TheIslandScout cooked up some good food..
and I can't show you any of it ....
my camera battery died!
Good Grief!
But there were potatoes,
and salads,
baked beans & burgers
hot dogs for the kids,
& brats.
Nope-not BRATS-we didn't eat any kids...
Brats (prounounced BRA HTS).
A WI delicacy...uh-huh..
Eaten many ways..
Especially at tail gating parties.
So...we had some brats!
And then...
And then..
And then Mimi..
And then Mimi brought out
Look at BabyE as he reaches for
The Monkey Cake!
He's not quite sure
what it is...BUT..
he grabs himself an ear and....
He has his first taste of chocolate ever!
Is THAT good!
Almost as much fun to play with
as it is to eat!Uh-oh~
Our little monkey is getting tired.
He is ready to take his hat off
and Un-party.I can tell he is tired because
he is sucking his thumb
and rubbing his ear..
just like his Mama
used to do when
she was one!I wish I could show you all the monkey clothes he got.
I wish I could show you all the cute and wonderful toys he got..
Including the wonderful ROUND orange cat that he loves.
I wish I could show you the table Mimi had prepared..
I wish I could show you all the wonderful decorations she put up...
I wish I could show you everyone posing for a picture... camera was dead...
And someone else captured those memories.
BabyE kissed us all good-bye and went off
to Baby Dreamland for a nap.
As we were leaving we got a wonderful surprise.
Mimi had 12 pictures...
One for each month
of BabyE's life.
On the way out..
Whoever wanted to could pick one.
What a hard choice...
But I loved this one the best!
And so...I took a bit of BabyE
home with me.Happy 1st Birthday Little Man.


  1. It looks like it was the perfect party, little E is a sweetie!!

  2. Thanks for the visit...this looks like a bunch of fun! Love the little cake..1 year quick it comes! :D

  3. LOL! As usual, you tell a cute, hilarious story, Diana! You are certainly blessed with so many special friends and family around you to celebrate BabyE's birthday. Looks like so much fun! And what an adorable cake!

    Oh, and thank you for the direction and suggestions you made on my blog for my cumumdrum issue! I love how you tell it like it is (and I can you always have a smile on your face, don't you? lol!). I will certainly take your suggestions to heart and I thank you for them, dear!

    (Ok. I'm off now to play around with the top of my bookcase like my friend Diana!)

    xoxo Hugs to you, friend!


  4. Hi Diana~~~looks like the party was grand! The cake is so cute! And BabyE is precious! Sounds like you had as much fun as he did!!!

  5. Hey! nice to meet you and thanks for visiting my blog.What a lovely family you have and babyE...very cute! See you again Cate

  6. Happy birthday to that little guy, so adorable. Edible actually, when they're that cute. Now that you've fed him chocolate there's no going back of course. Life is just beginning for him now. Looks like you had a great party and I love the little treasures at the end. Nice touch!


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