
Monday, July 26, 2010

Mickey-Lu BBQ-A special diet

On our way Up North last week..
(and I need to tell you this before I forget because my friend, Feisty,
reminded me about it)
Wisconsin & Michigan are the only two states where it is legitimate
to leave work early because you are going
Up North.
Up North to THE CABIN is an even better excuse.
You can even ditch someone at the last minute because...
you have been invited
On OUR way Up North
we always try to have lunch at this special little BBQ
place in Marinette, WI.
Now...I don't know WHY they call it a BBQ place because they don't serve
They serve burgers...
and brats..
and hot dogs..
and chips..
and milkshakes..
and, basically, that's it!
But-Boy! Do they know how to make those charcoaled little sliders!
For all you non-Midwestern types-that would be burgers..
called sliders because they throw a pat of butter on top before serving..
Yep-this IS Wisconsin.
MyHero's heart always does a little flitter-flutter
when he finally sees this sign..
He starts to smile..
He is halfway out the door before the car is in park.
Welcome to Mickey-Lu's
where time has stood still for half a century. You can belly up to the bar..
or sit at a table.
See those little doors to the left?
Those are the bathrooms.
They are so small you have to step inside and
turn sideways to shut the door.
Well, maybe YOU don't have to...
(you anorexic model you)
but I do.Yummm...
Get that burger ordered. It's still $1 and some change.
They are cooked
in a real honest-to-goodness
inside BBQ grill.
Who'da thought?
And chips-
Oh yes..
we must have chips...
These chips are delishus!Hmmm...MyHero is studying the bag..
What's up? I ask..
Just wondering how many fat calories are in here!?!
Not many!
Eat up...
Eat & you think these are going to make me fat?
Not at all!
You look just fine!
Thanks-And Y'all have a nice day!


  1. Hi Diana~~~I wish I could leave work early for a weekend..but we're already "up north"!!
    I remember a little place we stopped at after church when we DID go "up north" as a kid. They had THE best chocolate ice cream ever!!! There were eight of us kiddos, so my Dad could only afford a single scoop of ice cream in a dish. The owner always added a little bit more to our dishes tho. Those days are long gone..but it gives me a warm fuzzy thinking about it.
    I worked all weekend,and will be heading in this morning...ugh.
    Enjoy your Monday my friend.

  2. LOL! We're leaving next weekend for up north too. It's such a wonderful excuse! Glad you had fun!

  3. I love this place. Almost as much as I love Frosty Tip. almost.

  4. Hey Diana! We've got an Up North cabin, too! A nice little place in the woods of Brohman that's been in hubby's family since the '30s. We don't have to go out, though, since hubbster likes to do all the cooking for everyone. Lucky us! :) But Mickey-Lu's looks like such a quaint little 'throw-back' place to idle away the afternoon eating your way through those yummy sliders!

    LOL! As usual, you had me laughing right out of my seat, girl! Regarding Debbie lazing around in my tub drinking wine? I couldn't get her out of it when she spent the weekend here. We even served her dinner there.... lol! (*wink) You'll probably find her still there whenever you get over this way, too....


    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  5. Hey~~~~what's wrong with staying in a bath tub drinking homemade wine?! huh?
    I read your comment on Laurie's blog and almost wet myself are a hoot, girl!!!
    The three of us should meet somewhere for a weekend. But there MUST be a bathtub!!!

  6. I'd say THREE bathtubs cuz I think people would talk if we all got into one


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