
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

French Provincial Re-do

I did this quite a while ago but thought I would share it with you.
My daughter wanted a buffet for her dining room.
She purchased a beautiful set of Queen Anne
dining room furniture from
her Aunt & Uncle.
All she needed was a nifty storage piece.
She is like me and doesn't like everything all
a bit of this..
a bit of that..
suits us just fine.
I found an old French Provincial dresser
left over from a 1970's bedroom set.
Even my daughter thought I might be just a TAD crazy.
Don' t challenge me!
Now, as you can see-
it is not a bad looking piece..
but it does look like it belongs in a bedroom.
Paint wash & re-wash
and re-wash
and wash again.
Dry-brush with some off-white.
Then...remember those old wall "sculptures"
that everyone had hanging on their kitchen wall?
Well- I didn't have any-
but some people I know did.
Anyway-I glued those suckers on the ends of the cabinet.
Starting to lose that bedroom-y look, isn't it?
Not too shabby,huh?
Well it IS a tad shabby but
Hey! That's the idea, Alice!
(remember Alice from the Honeymooners anyone?)
Ralph was always threatening to send her to the moon..
remember that?
Yeah..well, I always ask SweetCheeks..
"You wanna go to the moon, Alice?"
Her reply is always the same.
All righty then...where was I?
Oh yeah...the dresser.
Now what to do with the top?
Ladies, you are NOT going to believe this..
I could lie and tell you
that I hand painted this beautiful
marble pattern.
I did!
No~what you are seeing is marbleized wallpaper
cut to size with an exacto blade
and then covered with about 3 coats of heavy duty polyurethane.

She has had this for about 4 years now and it is still holding up

despite the fact that it is in the same room that

SweetCheeks eats in.

God is good!


  1. I absolutely love it! You did an awesome job on that :)

  2. OH MY!! I do love it, too. I have a piece I could sure do something with. Wanna come over??

  3. It looks wonderful! That is my favorite style of furniture. So shabby. I love the fruit sculptures that you glued on the sides too. That was a great idea!

  4. Wow, you won't believe this but I have that same piece of furniture sitting in my storage shed! It belonged to my mother. I LOVE what you did with it. I never would have dreamed that it could be transformed in such a way!

  5. Hi, I have a blog award for you on my blog today. Just wanted to let you know that I like your blog :)

  6. Great job. I see those old french provincial things on Carig's List all the time. I like the thingies on the end too.

  7. Wow, Diana! Beautiful job! I never would'ave thought of using faux marble wallpaper! Super dooper idea, girl! Love it!

    Do I have to call you Martha, now.....? lol!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

    PS And no...really....I didn't bat my eyes at that poor old man...well....maybe smiled a bit....? lol!

  8. Well, Martha is long as you mean Martha Stewart and NOT Martha Washington.
    You did TOO bat your eyes at that poor old man...I am onto your tricks! lol

  9. I love this and would do a piece to match it...

  10. I had that exact same dresser when I was a kid. I may or may not have had some of those sculpture thingys at some point in my life. I love what you did! You gave an old gal a whole new life. Good on ya.


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