
Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Bragged That-

I was wrong-dead wrong

I have the flu,

Or maybe a bug.

But don't get close,

Cuz you won't want a hug.

I'm feel rotten~

Like I've been beat up,

My head ache is awful,

& I'm sipping water from my cup.

I'll be back later~

Or maybe not.

I think I will lay down,

In my warm nesting spot.

I'm sorry my readers~

Will not get their smile.

I promise you'll laugh later,

So hang in there a while.


  1. I feel really rotten. I hardly ever get any "bugs" that go around...and this is the 2nd one this Spring. I spent all day yesterday in bed but am starting to feel human this morning. (well, almost human). Hope to be back at this tomorrow~ NanaDiana

  2. Gentle hugs from very very far away, to you
    I'm sorry you are feeling so rotten. One of my other friends has fever and chills, I'm staying away from her, too.
    We'll laugh later.

  3. Ah, feel better...everybody in our house except for me all got sick this past week. It was awful. Hang in there!

  4. Well, I KNOW that it wasn't from me this time - - did you get your flu shot this year?


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