
Monday, April 26, 2010

Palm Coast Or Bust

TPot & Allen showed up late Wednesday night. We didn't tell SweetCheeks they were coming until the last minute lest some unforeseen difficulty kept them in Atlanta. She was tired from a hard day at DizzyWurld and fresh from her bath when Mama & Daddy pulled into Orlando. She was SO glad to see them. The first words out of her mouth were to tell Mama that Papa "woodnut tahke me home an Ise mad at hims". (I love how no matter WHAT I do wrong (or anyone else does) she can turn the blame on Papa~ works for me!)

That meant that Thursday would find TPot, Allen, SweetCheeks, Mimi, TheIslandScout & BabyE heading off to DizzyWurld. Guess what that meant? We were FREE- Free-Free At Last! We decided to head over to Palm Coast to see a house that some of our Wisconsin friends had just purchased. Our friendship goes back to 1976 when Ruth worked with us. Their daughter, Lori, was our primary babysitter for many, many years & became like a daughter to us. We took her on vacation with us and she became "family".

Now, Tom is a different sort of cat. cool is that...never thought of it before- TomCat...he just earned a new name here. The first time I met TomCat was at a work-related party. I did not know he was part of the Tom & Ruth show. He walked up to me and said, "I'm a well person now, you know." I turned to MyHero and side whispered, "Who is that? I think he just got out of the loony bin." (sorry no offense meant to anyone that actually HAS been in the loony bin-you can slap me when you see me). Anyway, we finally figured out he was Ruth's husband. Well, WHAT a character he turned out to be. WHAT a lot of fun we have had with him over the years!

At a cottage outing one time he set up chairs and MyHero's mother (Betty, who was in her 60's at the time) had running and jumping races with him. He fell over and collapsed the chairs and declared that Bettty was the winner. That was the same night that we had a marshmallow roast and he proceded to throw toasted and gooey marshmallows at us and rubbed one into my hair. And, NO~He was NOT drinking~he doesn't drink~ he's just plain goofy. Let me tell you, sometimes I DON'T miss the "good old days". Why Ruth has let him live this long is beyond me-but I think she has learned to enjoy (or ignore) him~ depending on the day.

Anyway, we decided to drive to the coast and see their new digs. We ate dinner (thanks, guys) at a neat little tea room and then drove up and down the coast for a bit after seeing their new place. I am invited back to help her decorate when she is ready. I told her I would be there with only one stipulation- TomCat has to behave himself. She said she was just a wife~not a miracle worker. Guess what? I kind of like him naughty anyway!

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